Introducing "Incluview" our AI-powered bias detection tool.

Helps you Identify bias and instances of non-inclusive language in real-time.

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Build an equitable and Inclusive Culture with Incluview

Incluview scans your text for any bias or non-inclusive language and suggests more inclusive alternatives. Whether you're drafting a company-wide email, writing a job description, or crafting social media posts, Incluview ensures your language is inclusive and respectful.

Our cutting-edge tool helps companies build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture by detecting non-inclusive language and suggesting alternatives, promoting a more inclusive and diverse work environment.


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Value Adders World

Adding Value To Your World 

We are passionate about addressing unconscious bias and promoting inclusivity.

Boost motivation and enhance overall performance.

Suggest alternative language

Incluview provides private suggestions for alternative language, helping you improve your communication and foster inclusivity.

Our mission

We are on a mission to elevate collective consciousness.

Our vision

Is to spread the principle of adding value around the globe.

Our values

We embrace a future-oriented mindset, driven by solutions and innovation. We believe in asking the right questions to lead us to the right answers, guiding our journey towards excellence and transformative impact.

We create the perfect AI
tailored solution for you


100% confidential

Easy to implement

All our AI agents can be implemented seamlessly.

We deliver practical & transformational solutions

We have the unique ability to simplify, organize, plan, program and reprogram ideas & concepts to efficiently deliver on set goals and objectives.

Contact Us

It is our goal to inspire inclusive action in 5,000+ organizations around the globe by 2030.

Join us on this value adding journey.